Attorneys at law

Our Team. Your success. The lawyers of peritus Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Specialist lawyers

Qua­li­ty is our top prio­ri­ty. Lawy­ers acting for peri­tus Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH con­ti­nuous­ly update their skills and also fre­quent­ly act as lec­tu­r­ers in various sec­tors. Our lawy­ers have pre­do­mi­nant­ly qua­li­fied as spe­cia­list lawy­ers. In order to recei­ve this title a lawy­er has to prove theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal exper­ti­se in a cer­tain field of law. The right to use the title „Spe­cia­list lawy­er“ is gran­ted and veri­fied by the local cham­ber of lawy­ers (Rechts­an­walts­kam­mer).



Our Team. Your success. The lawyers of peritus Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Specialist lawyers

Qua­li­ty is our top prio­ri­ty. Lawy­ers acting for peri­tus Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH con­ti­nuous­ly update their skills and also fre­quent­ly act as lec­tu­r­ers in various sec­tors. Our lawy­ers have pre­do­mi­nant­ly qua­li­fied as spe­cia­list lawy­ers. In order to recei­ve this title a lawy­er has to prove theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal exper­ti­se in a cer­tain field of law. The right to use the title „Spe­cia­list lawy­er“ is gran­ted and veri­fied by the local cham­ber of lawy­ers (Rechts­an­walts­kam­mer).

