Services in Transport & logistic law
Global economical interaction, new, constantly changing markets and the resulting risk factors lead to complex organisational, financial and legal demands particularly on the transportation and logistics sector.
Typical consulting services for our clients include:
- law of national and cross-border road transport including law of terms and conditons and conditions of transport insurance
- law of national and cross-border road transport by sea or rail or air
- design and negotiation of contracts
- multimodal transport
- law of transport of dangerous goods including corresponding penal provisions and fines
- settlement of cases of damage
- transport insurance
- warehousing law
- permissions according to GüKG
- representation of clients in fine proceedings
- enforcement of freight barge claims, haulage charges and warehouse fees at home or abroad
- customs law und customs clearance in cross-border traffic as well as transport tax
- legal particularities of court proceedings and arbitral jurisdiction
We hold (inhouse)seminars on the above aspects as well as on other topics.