Marius Schuster

  • Att­or­ney

Curriculum Vitae

  • Admit­ted as a lawy­er in 2020
  • 2020–2021 work­ed for a law firm spe­cia­li­zed in the fields of employ­ment, busi­ness and insol­ven­cy law
  • 2021–2024 work­ed for a big law firm in the field of corporate/M&A
  • Since March 2023 theo­re­ti­cal requi­re­ments for a cer­ti­fied spe­cia­list att­or­ney for com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law
  • Since 2024 acti­ve at peri­tus Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH in the fields of com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law as well as res­truc­tu­ring and insol­ven­cy law