
Com­pli­ance is the com­mit­ment to orga­ni­ze a com­pa­ny in a way that gua­ran­tees that all agents and busi­ness part­ners com­ply with legal requi­re­ments and busi­ness gui­de­lines.

At peri­tus Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH our team sup­ports you in estab­li­shing com­pli­ance as an important ele­ment of your com­pa­ny manage­ment and to deve­lop a risk manage­ment stra­tegy. We also advi­se you on com­pli­ance struc­tures in your com­pa­ny.

Our typi­cal advi­so­ry fields are:

  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of com­pli­ance risks
  • Avo­id­ance of lia­bi­li­ty claims as well as fines and pen­al­ties
  • Deve­lo­p­ment of a com­pli­ance orga­ni­sa­ti­on stra­tegy
  • Defi­ni­ti­on and estab­lish­ment of gui­de­lines
  • Employee trai­ning
  • Mea­su­res regar­ding risk assess­ment
  • Reac­tion to mis­con­duct.

We hold (in-house) semi­nars on the above aspects as well as on other topics.

Contact person

Dr. Oliver Jenal

Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law,
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for insu­rance law,
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for ban­king and capi­tal mar­ket law

Open pro­fi­le