
Services in Receivership

The peri­tus Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH has its own depart­ment spe­cia­li­zing in recei­ver­ship. Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney Micha­el Blau­th is regu­lar­ly appoin­ted by various courts as recei­ver. Our qua­li­fied staff ensu­res that pro­cee­dings of all sizes are always hand­led with the requi­red exper­ti­se at the hig­hest level of qua­li­ty.

We hold (in-house) semi­nars on the above aspects as well as on other topics.

Contact person

Michael Blauth

Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for inhe­ri­tance Law
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for ten­an­cy and resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty law
Cer­ti­fied cura­tor of the estate (BDN)

Open pro­fi­le