Succession consultancy

Prevention is not a question of age!

Pre­cau­ti­on is not a mat­ter of age!

You have achie­ved a lot in life and you deser­ve to enjoy the fruit of your suc­cess, care­free. Your resour­ces shall be pre­ser­ved as fami­liy assets accor­ding to your inte­rests. It would be a pity if heirs or suc­ces­sors beca­me invol­ved in cos­t­ly legal dis­pu­tes.

The­r­e­fo­re you need to make good pro­vi­si­ons regar­ding your own per­son as well as your finan­cial assets.

Par­ti­cu­lar­ly entre­pre­neurs should stri­ve at an early stage to secu­re their own and their family´s inco­me in old age.

Among other things, we advi­se you on the fol­lo­wing issues regar­ding cor­po­ra­te law:

  • Appro­pria­te cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re
  • Con­trac­tu­al orga­niza­ti­on of a cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on plan
  • Exe­cu­ti­ve con­tracts
  • Pro­gres­si­ve trans­fer of respon­si­bi­li­ty
  • Sale of a com­pa­ny
  • Due dili­gence
  • Com­pa­ny pen­si­on sche­mes

In par­ti­cu­lar we advi­se you in the fol­lo­wing cases regar­ding inhe­ri­tance law:

  • Dis­pu­tes among fami­ly mem­bers and com­mu­ni­ty of heirs
  • Pre­ser­va­ti­on of fami­ly assets
  • Finan­cial secu­ri­ty
  • Powers of att­or­ney for health care and life wills /advance direc­ti­ves
  • Tes­ta­ments
  • Exe­cu­ti­on of wills
  • Last wills of com­pa­ny owners
  • Cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on plans

Regar­ding fami­ly law we cover the fol­lo­wing advi­so­ry fields:

  • Powers of att­or­ney
  • Mar­ria­ge con­tracts
  • Gift con­tracts
  • Cus­t­ody dis­pu­tes
  • Divorces.

We hold (in-house) semi­nars on the above aspects as well as on other topics.

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Contact person

Michael Blauth

Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for inhe­ri­tance Law
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for ten­an­cy and resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty law
Cer­ti­fied cura­tor of the estate (BDN)

Open pro­fi­le

Dr. Oliver Jenal

Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law,
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for insu­rance law,
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list Att­or­ney for ban­king and capi­tal mar­ket law

Open pro­fi­le