Anna Sarina Lang, LL.M.
- Attorney
- Certified Specialist Attorney for medical law
- Admitted as a lawyer in 2012
- Completion of further training in medical law with the university degree Master of Law (LL.M.)
- 2015–2018 Employed by Koch & Kollegen
- 2018–2021 Practice in Buhlmann & Kollegen
- 2021–2023 Employed by Gelsheimer-Friedrichs
- Member of Forum Junge Anwaltschaft im DAV e.V.
- Member of Frankfurter Anwaltsverein e.V.
- Member of Goethes KOMMchester und HerzKammerChor e.V. (former „Medizinerorchester Frankfurt“)
- Works for peritus Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH primarily in the field of medicine law
- Deputy Chairwoman of the Pool Distribution Committee of Heidelberg University Hospital